Monday, October 31, 2016

Beard Science by Penny Reid BLOG TOUR + GIVEAWAY!


Beard Science

by Penny Reid
Winston Brothers #3
Publication Date: October 11, 2016
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Humor, Romance


Make a deal with the devil and you might get what you want, but will it be what you need?

Jennifer Sylvester wants one thing, and that one thing is NOT to be Tennessee’s reigning Banana Cake Queen. Ever the perpetual good girl and obedient daughter, Jennifer is buckling under the weight of her social media celebrity, her mother’s ambitions, and her father’s puritanical mandates. Jennifer is officially desperate.

And desperate times call for Cletus Winston.

Cletus Winston is a puzzle wrapped in a mystery covered in conundrum sauce, and now he’s in a pickle. Despite being convinced of his own omniscience, extortion by the exalted Banana Cake Queen of Green Valley has taken him completely by surprise. So… what’s a maniacal mastermind to do?

Likely, the last thing you expect.

‘Beard Science’ is the third book in the Winston Brothers series, is a full-length romantic comedy novel, and can be read as a standalone.


Christy's 5 Star Review: 

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From the moment I read the first book in the Winston Brothers series, I knew Cletus Winston was the brother I wanted most to read about. There was something about Cletus, and honestly, I thought Penny would make his book last since so many of us wanted it. I’m thankful that the wait wasn’t too long and his book was third in the series. Beard Science was a fantastic addition to this series, just like I knew it would be.

We all know about Cletus Winston. He’s the sneaky brother. The one who is a mastermind and a bit of a mystery. Jennifer Sylvester AKA The Banana Cake Queen knows a lot about Cletus. She’s a watcher like he is. Jennifer is known for one thing and one thing only in Tennessee and that is being The Banana Cake Queen.

I’m the Banana Cake Queen. I make other kinds of cake, but I’m famous for my banana cake. I know this as fact because, when I’m introduced, it’s usually like this: “This is Jennifer Sylvester. You know, the Banana Cake Queen? She’s famous for her banana cake.” But I digress.

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But here’s the thing… Jenn doesn’t want to be The Banana Cake Queen anymore. She’s tired of living under her parent’s thumb and living and breathing the bakery and the image she must portray. She wants to be herself. She’d like to get married and one day have children. But that will never happen with the way things are now. Jennifer is desperate and the only person she knows can help her is Cletus Winston. To get his help, she’ll need to beat him at his own game. She needs to be just as conniving as he is.

Watching Cletus try to help Jennifer and slowly but surely falling for her was a sight to behold. Cletus isn’t that man. He’s sensible. He doesn’t fall in love. Well, at least he didn’t think he did. Even though he and Jenn aren’t ‘suited’ in his opinion, she is so special he can’t help but develop feelings for her.
Clearly, my heart was a danger to itself and to me because Jennifer Sylvester and I were not suited, not at all.

I loved the way these two saw each other. Jennifer saw Cletus for who he truly was. And she saw past what everyone else did.

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This series is amazing. I love all things Penny Reid, but this one holds such a special place in my heart. I love all these Winston siblings and can’t wait for more to come from the brothers we have left. They’re all different in their own ways, and that’s the very best part.
“Stay away from the normals.”
“The normals?”
“Yep.” She nodded once, the side of her mouth hitching in a way that reminded me of Cletus.
“Stay away from the normals, the small-minded people who fill their brains with small-minded pursuits, who blend in and keep up with the Joneses. Those people will tear you down and make you boring. Instead, surround yourself with the weirds. With the misfits, oddballs, and outcasts. Because the normals, bless their hearts, have no idea how to have fun.”

If you’re looking for a book (or series) that’s clever, witty, fun, sweet, sexy and smart, this is the book for you! Penny truly delivers and Cletus does not disappoint!

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About Penny Reid

SEX! It all started with sex, between my parents. Personally I don’t like thinking about it, but whatever works for you is a-ok with me. No judgment. The sex happened in California and much of my life also occurred in that state until I moved from the land of nuts (almonds), wine, silicon… boobs, and heavy traffic to the southeast US. Like most writers I like to write, but let’s get back to sex. Eventually I married and gave birth to 2 small people-children (boy-6, girl-4 as of this writing).

By day I’m a biomedical researcher with focus on rare diseases. By night I’m a knitter, sewer, lino block carver, fabric printer, soap maker, and general crafter. By the wee hours of the morning or when I’m intoxicated I love to listen to the voices in my head and let them tell me stories. I hope you enjoy their stories.


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Finding Alastar by TL Swan Release Day

Cover Design: Louisa Maggio
Release Date: October 30, 2016

Boredom, the root of my evil.

I had it all, dream job, boyfriend, stability.
So I did the unthinkable, I packed up and left everything that was dear to me. Set out of the journey of a lifetime and it was all going to plan until I met him.

Alastar O’Shea.

An enigmatic, artistic Irishman who had more sexual energy in his pinky finger than anything I had ever dreamed of.
I should have stayed away from him.
He was hot, toxic and the most exhilarating experience of my life.

Like a drug he entered my bloodstream.
Like a drug he brought me undone.
Did I meet him by chance or was it a calculated hit?

I did believe in fairy tales but he isn’t who I thought he was.
Will he find me.
Will it cost me my life?

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About the Author
I'm a Psychology student, wife and mother of three based in beautiful Sydney Australia. I work for the Australian Schizophrenia Fellowship.I have always wanted to write, but life had got in the way. I was always too busy, too tired, too unsure of my talent. Last year I finally woke up took the plunge and I am eternally grateful that I did. I am now happily addicted to my writing and love bringing the sexy stories from my head to life with my beautiful characters.

My aim is to write tender, steamy, romantic love stories that stay with you long after you close the book.

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Mr. President by Katy Evans Release Day


Mr. President by Katy Evans

Release Date: October 31st Genre: Contemporary Romance



He's won the hearts of millions. But is he willing to lose his?
I met the president’s son when we were both young. Matthew Hamilton was handsome, polished, and intelligent. I’d never met a guy like him.
He promised me that he’d never run for president. I promised that if he did, I’d be by his side.
Three terms later, an invitation to join Matthew Hamilton’s campaign is the most exhilarating opportunity I’ve ever experienced. I'm determined to make a difference; he is determined to win.
Focused on his goal, Matt is steadfast, ruthless, and disarming. All eyes are on him and his popularity is surging. But soon, the next possible president of the United States is possessing me in more ways than one—and despite the risks, I'm helpless to resist.
We're stealing touches, stealing moments, and stealing away at night. But our chemical connection is quickly becoming dangerously combustive, putting not only my heart, but Matt's chance at the presidency on the line.
Winning will take everything. Walking away will be the hardest thing of all.

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About the Author:

Katy Evans is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Her debut REAL shot to the top of the bestselling lists in 2013 and since then 9 of her titles have been New York Times bestsellers. Her books have been translated into nearly a dozen languages across the world.

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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Melissa Brown's Prophet Takes All BLOG TOUR + Giveaway!

Prophet Takes All  (Compound Series #4)
by Melissa Brown
Release Date: October 25, 2016 

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So many fools. Nothing but fools.

That worm of a detective, my mother, Paul. Fools—all of them. But Aspen, oh Aspen…she was the biggest fool of all.

Aspen Black, a seemingly ordinary woman of the compound, transformed into the utter bane of my existence in just a matter of months. She had the gall to question me, to seek the counsel of an outsider, and to disobey my word.

To add to her list of transgressions, Aspen recruited my own brother in the crusade against me. For this, they must both be punished. And their daughter, Ruthie, is the key to their retribution.

Aspen and Paul will pay for their crimes against the one true prophet. If it’s the very last thing I do.

Christy's Review: 

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Each book in Melissa Brown’s The Compound series has been more intriguing and addicting than the last. Each time I start one of these books, I expect it to be a long night because there is no way I’m sleeping until I get answers! These last three books that have mainly focused on Aspen and her family have been my favorite Brown books. I’m sad to see this series end, but at the same time, I’m excited to see how things wrap up and conclude. Towards the end, I was a bit nervous that things would end in a way I wouldn’t be happy with, but I shouldn’t have worried. The ending worked out perfectly for this series.

The last book, Just Keep Sweet left me in a state. That ending made me so anxious and I couldn’t wait to find out what happened next. When I started this book, my eyes were glued to the pages. I couldn’t put it down. It’s different than some of the other books, in the way that there were quite a few POV’s. Not only did we get the terrible Prophet’s, but we also got Ruthie, Aspen, Paul, and many other side characters.

Clarence was just as awful as I imagined him. Being in his head wasn’t always fun, but it was interesting. To see someone so evil and understand how they’re thinking and feeling. It’s interesting to say the least. Melissa created a heck of a villain with him. I kept waiting and waiting for him to get what was coming to him. I didn’t want him redeemed and I didn’t want anything good to come to him. I’m a bleeding heart, so for me to say that, you know he was pretty evil.

This story moved so quickly, and I loved the many POV’s and the unexpected twists and turns. I was a tad disappointed with the lack of romance and how little we got of Aspen and Paul etc. But I understood why with how the story played out. There were parts that made me anxious and kept me on the edge of my seat. I love books that fully immerse me like this one did. It’s not very often I find a book/series that captivates me this strongly. Especially when romance is not at the forefront. I highly recommend this series and enjoyed the conclusion very much!

Other Books in The Compound Series 



 Melissa Brown was born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago. She attended the University of Illinois and is the mother of two fantastic kids. She's an avid reader who enjoys making handmade gifts for her family and friends, as well as baking and painting. Melissa has an unhealthy obsession with pop culture. She speaks fluent movie quotes from the 1980s (John Hughes = genius), reads celebrity gossip magazines and never misses an episode of Scandal. She enjoys writing contemporary romance, romantic suspense and young adult novels.

All of Melissa's books are currently available exclusively through and are part of the Kindle Unlimited Program.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

American Queen by Sierra Simone - RELEASE DAY!!!


American Queen by Sierra Simone

Release Date: October 25th, 2016 Genre: Contemporary Romance Cover Design: Hang Le



It starts with a stolen kiss under an English sky, and it ends with a walk down the aisle. It starts with the President sending his best friend to woo me on his behalf, and it ends with my heart split in two. It starts with buried secrets and dangerous desires…and ends with the three of us bound together with a hateful love sharper than any barbed wire.
My name is Greer Galloway, and I serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States. This is the story of an American Queen.

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About the Author:

Sierra Simone is a USA Today Bestselling former librarian (who spent too much time reading romance novels at the information desk.) She lives with her husband and family in Kansas City

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The Bound by KA Linde is LIVE!


tb-amazonCyrene Strohm is a Queen’s Affiliate, a high-ranking official of the court of Byern, with power and privilege to spare. But she’s also a keeper of dangerous secrets: like the fact that she holds the heart of the King, and that she possesses magic in a world where magic no longer exists.

Determined to discover what this means and how to use her newfound abilities, Cyrene sets off for the distant land of Eleysia. An island nation where Affiliates are strictly forbidden from entering.

But the journey is perilous, and the destination may mean utter ruin, as Cyrene comes to learn that everything she’s been told her whole life – about her court, her homeland, and even herself—are bound in a beautiful lie.

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Staggering down the hallway, she didn’t even look up when she heard her name.

“Hmm?” she asked.

“Cyrene, there you are!”

Someone grabbed her shoulders, and she tipped her head to look up into the most beautiful face. She smiled and felt a renewed burst of energy flow through her.

“Hey,” she whispered.

“Hey,” he said, threading his fingers through hers. A shiver ran up her back. He glanced around the empty hallway and then tugged her away from the main corridors. She turned a corner, and he pressed her back into a darkened alcove. His mouth was only inches from hers.

Her exhaustion was wearing off from the excitement of being with him.

“I was really worried about you,” he breathed.

“You don’t have to worry about me,” she said, trapped in his gaze. She teetered on her tiptoes and nearly brushed their lips together. Her heart was racing ahead of her. This felt almost better than reaching for her magic. Definitely better than moving one drop of water at a time all day.

“You’re wrong.” Then, he softly dropped his mouth down on hers. His lips were tender and slow as they caressed hers. “I will always worry for your safety.”

Cyrene’s cheeks heated, and she sighed, leaning back against the hard stone of the alcove. “I didn’t mean to worry you.”

His hands pushed up through her hair and tilted her head back up to look at him. She closed her eyes and sighed. She was so tired, and just the feel of his fingers was lulling her to sleep.

“That feels good.”

His mouth found hers, and despite her exhaustion, she pushed back against his lips with more force. She refused to let the fact that she was tired get in the way of her time with him.

“Whoa,” he said, pulling back from her. He rested his forehead against hers, and she could tell he was breathing heavily. “As much as I want this, and I do, I want to make sure you’re okay. This didn’t scare you away?”

She shook her head. “This, most certainly, does not scare me.” Then, she kissed him again for good measure.

He laughed. “Good. Because I’ve been wanting to kiss you since I first met you.”

“You have not!” she insisted.

“Are you kidding? A gorgeous, feisty woman who wasn’t afraid to put me in my place the first time she met me? I mostly certainly have.”


The Affiliate: Book 1

"With rich romance and twisty political intrigue, THE AFFILIATE is a breakneck fantasy ride that's perfect for fans of THE SELECTION or THRONE OF GLASS." --Susan Dennard, NYT bestselling author of TRUTHWITCH

On the day of her Presenting, in front of the entire Byern Court, seventeen-year-old Cyrene Strohm's lifelong plans come to fruition when she's chosen for one of the most prestigious positions in her homeland--an Affiliate to the Queen.

Or so she thinks.

When Cyrene receives a mysterious letter and an unreadable book, she finds nothing is as it seems. Thrust into a world of dangerous political intrigue and deadly magic, Cyrene's position only grows more treacherous when she finds herself drawn to the one man she can never have...

King Edric himself.

Cyrene must decide if love is truly worth the price of freedom. Find out in this first book in USA Today bestselling author K.A. Linde's new Ascension series. Great for fans of Game of Thrones, Tudors, and Sarah J. Maas's Throne of Glass series.

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K.A. Linde grew up as a military brat and created fantastical stories based off of her love for Disney movies, fairy tales, and Star Wars. In her spare time, she is an avid traveler, loves reading young adult novels, and dancing. Additionally, K.A. has written more than a dozen adult novels and is a USA Today bestselling author. She lives in Lubbock, TX with her husband and two super adorable puppies.

K.A. Linde loves to hear from her readers!

You can contact her at or visit her online at one of the following sites:


Monday, October 24, 2016

Own by KI Lynn and N. Isabelle Blanco - COVER REVEAL!!!

Own by K.I. Lynn & N. Isabelle Blanco is the highly anticipated conclusion to the Need Series and releases on November 28th!

Pre-order your copy at:

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Kira’s finally mine.
And nobody and nothing is going to take her from me. I’ll fight for her, to the death. Do anything for her.
There’s no more living without her. No more holding back my feelings.
If only it was enough.
We’re surrounded every day.
Everyone knows us. Now, they suspect. The odds are stacked against us more than before.
We live in the shadows, hiding our love from the entire world.
But not for long.
I refuse to live like this anymore.
I’ll do whatever it takes to own her. I’m waging a dark war against those that stand against us.
And I will win.
That girl is going to be mine forever, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it.

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Haven’t read this series yet?  
Now is your chance, Need & Take are now in a Box Set.

NOW ONLY $0.99!

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Meet K.I. Lynn
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K.I. Lynn is the USA Today Bestselling Author from The Bend Anthology and the Amazon Bestselling Series, Breach. She spent her life in the arts, everything from music to painting and ceramics, then to writing. Characters have always run around in her head, acting out their stories, but it wasn't until later in life she would put them to pen. It would turn out to be the one thing she was really passionate about.

Since she began posting stories online, she's garnered acclaim for her diverse stories and hard hitting writing style. Two stories and characters are never the same, her brain moving through different ideas faster than she can write them down as it also plots its quest for world domination...or cheese. Whichever is easier to obtain... Usually it's cheese.

Meet N. Isabelle Blanco
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N. Isabelle Blanco was born in Queens, NY (USA). At the age of three, due to an odd fascination with studying her mother’s handwriting, she began to read and write. By the time she’d reached kindergarten, she had an extensive vocabulary and her obsession with words began to bleed into every aspect of her life.

N. Isabelle Blanco spends her days working as an author, web programmer, marketer, and graphic designer. That is when she isn’t handling her “spawn”, as she calls her son, and brainstorming with him about his future career as a comic book illustrator.

BBU - Coming Soon